WPC: Heritage

red pillars

These red pillars, built in 1864, “formed part of the old railway bridge which carried theΒ London and Dover into St Paul’s Station.” In 1985 the bridge was taken down due to its inability to support modern trains. The supports (the red pillars) remained. Originally built in rows of three, the third pillar in each row was used to support the new bridge that was later built. The other two were used to support equipment for the new Blackfriars rail bridge. Lot’s more interesting information here. To see more entries in this week’s photo challenge click here. One love πŸ™‚

WPC: Shine


Sun shining while it’s raining. My name for this?….Sunnyrain! :D. Okay so it’s a bit cheesy but for some strange reason I always get a little excited when I experience this. Probably because it doesn’t happen very often. Maybe it’s because we don’t associate the sun with rain or vice versa. It’s like drinking tea and eating ice cream at the same time. Or drying off while under the shower. I think I better stop there.

Click here to see more entries in this week’s photo challenge. Have a great weekend and stay safe. One love πŸ™‚